Tell us your story
The website e-xiliad@s is an interactive research project on the Spanish republican exile, financially supported by the Ministry of Labour and Inmigration in 2009 and by the Ministry of Employment and Social Security in 2011, through the Dirección General de Migraciones.
Well aware of the important role played nowadays by internet as one of the main means of data diffusion, the present initiative was conceived as a broader electronic project. The aim is to collect online information on the Spanish republican exile during the period going from the years 1936-39 to the first stages of Franco’s regime, with an approach focused on social history in its modern and gender-related implications, therefore the name “e-xiliad@s”.
Get involved..
Would you like to participate to our project by sharing with us your memories of the exile?
If you are an exiled one or you have contacts of any kind (as former refugee, progeny of exiled or friend) with the exile, we are interested in your experience. Even if you are studying the republican exile. We created for you an online Form, where you can find a list of generic questions you can answer to directly from your pc, without sending us any paper documentation.
You simply need to register with a username and a password in order to guarantee the authenticity of your data. You will be the only one deciding whether to add information anonymously without providing any personal details or to authorize us to publish everything in a public form.
It is not a moral duty by any means; however your collaboration will help us to integrate the study of a period of Spanish history as important as the republican exile. Furthermore, you will assure for your family’s memory not to be forgotten, but instead becoming part of a broader group in which identity yourself and your personal history.
Your contribution will be inserted into a national and international context, thanks to periodic reports that will be published in the section Reports of the site, destined to the public consultation.
We are especially looking forward to gathering and grouping together accounts of the exile from a feminine perspective. Which kind of impact did the transfer to a foreign country and the condition of refugees have on mothers, sisters and daughters from the republican Spain? Did the feeling of homesickness and rootlessness affect their everyday lives? These are just two of the many issues we would like to examine in order to trace behaviour patterns interesting the social group – including both women and man – taken into consideration.
Give us the opportunity to acquire a deeper understanding of this exile by offering your collaboration.
Welcome to e-xiliad@s…