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Luís Álvarez Yuste | Poet of guerrilleros

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Nuestra lucha
Los maquis y guerrilleros

Luís Álvarez Yuste

“I consider myself an autodidact in literature and everything. Since childhood the misfortune forced me to live from hand to mouth, in a constant bustle without time or opportunity to follow normal school courses, however, my thirst for knowledge put myself in touch with the most qualified writers and poets texts of my country and world literature.

When the civil war started in my country alternatives struggle led me to the main fronts where they were developed, as an infantry officer in the forces loyal to the Republic and, at the end of the war, I went to France where I was recluse for one year in a concentration camp. From there, the French took me as a prisoner to do work of fortification and the German advance made ​​me fall prisoner of these. I contributed, with the French forces of the interior, to the liberation of France and after twelve years of separation from my wife and son we were able to rebuild our home in the French capital.

Unable to return to our homeland and eager to live in a nation where our greatest Spanish language is talking we got under the protection of the blue and white flag, symbol of heaven and peace, not being disappointed in our choice because we have enriched our family tree with an Argentinean branch that grew seven years ago to became me grandfather.
And here I am, sixties, living for more than three decades in this magnificent land sister of mine where I work and sleep in peace with myself, with no other desire or other hope to return one day to see my beloved Spain, or other illusion of be that you say that I am: a true poet”.
[Source: Álvarez Yuste, Luís; Romances de “Abrazo Fraterno”. A las Fallas Valencianas a la Argentina y España, s/ed, Mar del Plata, 1967, pp. 3-4].

Luis Alvarez Yuste collaborated with the magazine exilio (internment camp of Bram) publishing a series of poems. Still in exile in France in 1947 and in Paris Luís would publish some of these poems, along with a selection of poems, entitled Nuestra Lucha.

Author: Lidia Bocanegra | December 2011

Luis Álvarez Yuste's poems

Nuestra Lucha | Cubierta [Fuente: Archivo personal de Liberto Álvarez]
Nuestra Lucha
Los maquis y los guerrilleros [Fuente: Archivo personal de Liberto Álvarez]
Los maquis y los guerrilleros